Monday, December 07, 2009

December Rain in Brussels

I had a 3-day layover in Brussels and the weather was cold and wet. What a pity! If the weather was nice, I could rent a bicycle with credit card and spend my time riding around the city. Well, it makes a person appreciate the fantastic weather back in Taoyuan a lot more!

My first 'successful' Geocacheing experience. :-)

After a long journey from Brussels to Delhi then back to Taipei, I got on my bicycle and went on my usual cycling route. The difference today was, I felt like being a hunter! :-)

Well, the first micro cache took me more than 10 minutes to find. Since it was my first find, I didn't know what to look for, and that's why it took so long. When I finally found it and opened the container, I was thrilled! It's almost like finding a real treasure. What makes it even better is that the cache was hidden by my best friend, and the first person who found it is my other best friend from high school, though I haven't met him for years!

The second one was a little easier since I more or less had an idea what to look for. Well, still it took me 5 minutes to find. I did feel like a hunter! Overall, Geocacheing + Cycling = Really enjoyable experience!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Living room, Captain Suite, Dhow Palace Hotel, Dubai

Nice room. Used iPhone app Panorama to make this picture.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

District 9, brilliant!

I watched District 9 yesterday without knowing anything about this movie beforehand, and I was blown away by its awesomeness!

Finally we have a sci-fi film with original concept, unique style, believable CG, good pacing, great acting, fantastic action sequences and a bit of comedy. It also touches on racism, ugliness of humanity and leaves people something to think about after they walk out of the theater.

With a budget of mere 30 million dollars and no-name actors, it far surpasses big-budget garbage like Transformers 2. I am so glad that this movie does so well at the box office. It seems a sequel is on the way and I look forward to seeing it!

Thank you
Neil Blomkamp and Peter Jackson for bringing us such a great film!

Friday, May 08, 2009

Star Trek is awesome!

Just watched Star Trek movie several hours ago at The Bridge cinema de lux. It was great! Chris Pine will be a super star!

After returning to Taiwan, I'll take my family to see it again!